This keto grocery list is your ultimate guide to everything you can (and can't) eat when you go keto. And, since the ketogenic diet is all about monitoring your macros, we'll include foods you're cool to consume from time to time as well, but it's up to you to keep track and stay in ketosis.
Despite what you've heard, it's totally possible (and relatively easy) to keep keto-approved shopping cost-effective. While it is suggested to purchase organic produce, grass-fed beef, cage-free eggs, and wild-caught seafood, it's not necessary. If you keep your carb intake low while maintaining a high fat intake, you can enter a state of ketosis without breaking the bank. Determine what works best for your budget and goals.
Keto Grocery List Tips
Take an inventory of your kitchen. It's likely you already have some keto-friendly foods on hand.
Find recipes to inspire you. Get creative with the ingredients you already have by using these keto recipes.
All the remaining items should be added to your keto shopping list. Make a list of the ingredients you need for the recipes you want to cook this week, and your keto grocery shopping list is ready!

Protein You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Anytime
- Pork (pork chops, bacon, hot dogs, pork rinds)
- Lamb
- Red meat (bison, ground beef, steak, beef jerky, beef tallow)
- Full-fat dairy products (butter, heavy cream, yogurt)
- Fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel)
- Poultry (Chicken thighs, duck breast, turkey legs)
- Low-carb shellfish (shrimp, crab, lobster)
- Low-carb cheese (hard cheese, cream cheese, blue cheese, cottage cheese)
- Organ meat (liver, tongue, tripe)
- Jerky Crisps
Protein You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Sometimes
- Whey protein powder
- Charcuterie meats (salami, pepperoni, prosciutto, and cold cuts)
- Greek yogurt
- Almond milk
- Tofu
- Edamame
- Low-fat milk
- Pasture-raised eggs
- Poultry (white meat)
Protein You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Never
- Sweet peas
- Breaded meat
- Garbanzo beans
Vegetables on the Keto Diet

Vegetables You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Anytime
- Sprouts (alfalfa, bean)
- Summer squash (zucchini, yellow)
- Radishes
- Asparagus
- Mushrooms
- Broccoli rabe
- Green beans
- Avocado
- Cucumbers
- Celery
- Leafy greens (kale, spinach, swiss chard, arugula, collard greens, mustard greens)
- Cauliflower
- Bok choy
- Bell peppers
Vegetables You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Sometimes
- Carrots
- Brussels sprouts
- Fennel
- Broccoli
- Onions
- Eggplant
- Ginger
- Spaghetti squash
- Jicama
- Artichokes
Vegetables You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Never
- Winter squash (butternut, pumpkin)
- Leek
- Beets
- Sweet potatoes
- Corn
- Potatoes
Fruit on the Keto Diet
Fruits You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Sometimes
- Raspberries
- Blueberries
- Rhubarb
- Strawberries
- Lime juice
- Honeydew
- Coconut meat
- Olives (black, green)
- Kiwi
- Lemon juice
- Tomatoes
- Blackberries
Fruits You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Never
- Plums
- Apricots
- Grapes
- Cranberries
- Papaya
- Oranges
- Dried fruit
- Bananas
- Mango
- Apples
- Pears
- Cherries
- Pineapple
Grains and Legumes

Grains and Legumes You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Sometimes
- Peanuts
Grains and Legumes You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Never
- Black beans
- Rice (white, brown, wild)
- Quinoa
- Oats
- Pasta
- Popcorn
- Kidney beans
- Pinto beans
- Wheat
- Navy beans
- Lima beans
- Lentils
- Farro
- Rye
Fats You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Anytime
- Walnuts
- Avocado
- Chia seeds
- Hemp seeds
- Cocoa butter
- MCT oil
- Brain octane oil
- Pecans
- Coconut oil
- Macadamia nuts
- Pine nuts
- Hazelnuts
- Flax seeds
- Avocado oil
- Olive oil
- Fish oil
- Full-fat dairy (butter, heavy whipping cream, sour cream, yogurt)
Fats You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Sometimes
- Pumpkin seeds
- Sunflower seeds
- Brazil nuts
- Pistachios
- Nut butters (almond, pecan, hazelnut)
- Sesame seeds
Fats You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Never
- Canola oil
- Margarine
- Sunflower oil
- Cashews
Seasonings and Condiments

Condiments You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Anytime
- Parsley
- Rosemary
- Cayenne
- Cumin
- Paprika
- Mustard
- Full-fat mayonnaise
- Pepper
- Thyme
- Salt
- Basil
- Cilantro
- Dill
Condiments You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Sometimes
- Onion powder
- Turmeric
- Hot sauce
- Ranch dressing
- Ketchup
- Garlic powder
- Mustard
- Oregano
- Ginger

Beverages You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Anytime
- Bone broth
- Herbal tea
- Full-fat milk
- Water
- Seltzer
Beverages You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Sometimes
- Alcohol (unflavored liquor, low-carb beer, and wine)
- Almond milk
- Low-fat milk
Beverages You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Never
- Fruit juice
- Soda (unless it's made with Stevia!)
Items You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Anytime
- Cocoa powder
Items You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Sometimes
- Fat bombs
- Dark chocolate (80% or higher)
- Sugar-free chocolate
- Low-carb sweeteners (monk fruit extract, Stevia)
Items You Can Eat on the Keto Diet Never
- Honey
- Sugar (granulated, brown, coconut)
Snacks on the Keto Diet
Here is a list of our favorite keto snacks. Great for your Keto Grocery List.
Highkey Mini Cookies
Shop Highkey Sugar Free Cookies
Quest Tortilla Style Protein Chips
Shop: Quest Tortilla Style Protein Chips
The Nut Bakery Keto Nut Crunch Cinnamon Macadamia
Shop: The Nut Bakery Cinnamon Macadamia Keto Snacks
People's Choice Beef Jerky Old Fashioned Original Jerky
Shop: People's Choice Old Fashioned Original Beef Jerky
Munk Pack Keto Granola Bar
Shop: Munk Pack Keto Granola Bar
Atkins Peanut Butter Granola Protein Meal Bar
Shop: Atkins Peanut Butter Granola Protein Meal Bar
Just the Cheese Bars
Shop: Just the Cheese Bars
Magic Spoon Cereal Snack Pack
Shop: Magic Spoon Variety Single Serve Cereal Cups
Catalina Crunch Mix Keto Snack Mix
Shop: Catalina Crunch Mix Keto Snack Mix
Good to Go Soft Baked Bars
Sonoma Creamery Pepper Jack Cheese Crisps
Shop: Sonoma Creamery Pepper Jack Crisps
POSHI Artichoke Hearts Vegetable Snack
Shop: POSHI Artichoke Hearts
Legendary Foods High Protein Cinnamon Sweet Roll
Shop Legendary Foods High Protein Snack
Fat Snax Low-Carb Keto Crackers
Shop Fat Snax Low Carb Keto Crackers
KIND ZERO Added Sugar Bars
Shop KIND ZERO Added Sugar Bars
The Bottom Line
Keto grocery lists are easy to create, and they look a lot like regular grocery lists. Make a list of keto foods you have on hand and use them in upcoming recipes. Still missing some ingredients? Add them to your keto diet grocery list, and you'll have keto-friendly meals all week long!
Check out our full line of 100% Sugar-Free, Keto-Friendly Beef Jerky. All flavors are handcrafted with minimal ingredients and zero sugar, so you can snack with 100% confidence.