
25+ Creative Ways to Increase Protein Intake

You can increase your protein intake through slight adjustments to your diet, eating behavior, and shopping habits. Little changes can have a big impact. 

We all know how difficult it can be to hit your protein goals, but protein consumption is essential to a healthy life.

Many convenient, ready-to-eat foods are often low in protein and higher in carbohydrates or fats. Additionally, high-protein foods like lean meats, fish, or quality plant-based options can be more expensive and require more preparation. 

For those with dietary restrictions, such as vegetarians or vegans, finding complete protein sources may require careful planning and a variety of foods, making it harder to meet daily protein needs.

The benefits of protein are long, varied, and well-established.

  • Builds and repairs muscle tissue
  • Supports immune function
  • Aids in weight loss by increasing satiety
  • Helps maintain muscle mass as you age
  • Provides energy and supports overall bodily functions

Here are 25 creative, easy, and effective ways to increase your protein intake.

1. Start your day with protein

Having a protein-rich breakfast helps kickstart muscle repair and metabolism, keeping you full and energized throughout the morning. The earlier you start your protein intake the easier it is to hit your goals. You don’t want to play catch-up all day.

2. Eat the protein portion of your meal first

Prioritizing protein at the beginning of your meal ensures you get the necessary nutrients and ample protein before filling up on other components like carbs or fats.

Protein pancakes are a delicious and easy way to add extra protein to your breakfast. 

3. Add eggs to your breakfast

Eggs are a quick, versatile, and highly nutritious source of protein, helping to boost your intake early in the day.

4. Stash high-protein snacks

Keeping protein-rich snacks like beef jerky or nuts on hand makes it easier to meet your daily goals, especially during busy periods or when hunger strikes unexpectedly.

5. Enjoy Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is high in protein and makes for a convenient snack or meal addition, helping to meet protein needs while supporting gut health. The straining method to make greek yogurt results in twice as much protein as standard yogurt. 

6. Swap in quinoa

Quinoa is a high-protein grain and a complete protein, making it a great substitute for rice or pasta in meals for a more balanced nutrient profile.

7. Add beans to your rotation

Beans are an affordable, plant-based protein option that can easily be incorporated into salads, soups, or side dishes to increase protein intake.

8. Snack on almonds or other high-protein nuts

Nuts like almonds and pistachios are portable, nutrient-dense snacks packed with protein and healthy fats, perfect for curbing hunger between meals.

9. Use chia or hemp seeds

These seeds are small but packed with protein, omega-3s, and fiber, making them an easy addition to smoothies, yogurt, or salads for a protein boost.

10. Try tempeh or tofu

Tempeh and tofu are excellent plant-based protein options that absorb flavors well and provide all the essential amino acids needed for muscle growth.

11. Drink milk

Milk is a simple and accessible source of protein, whether you’re drinking it on its own, adding it to cereal, or using it in smoothies.

12. Include a high-protein food with every meal

Ensuring that each meal includes a protein source helps spread your intake evenly throughout the day, promoting muscle maintenance and satiety.

13. Cook with bone broth

Bone broth is rich in collagen protein and can be used as a base for soups or sauces, making it a subtle yet effective way to increase protein content in meals.

14. Add edamame

Edamame is a high-protein, plant-based snack that’s easy to prepare and can be added to salads, stir-fries, or eaten on its own.

15. Stock up on protein bars

Protein bars are convenient and portable, making them a great option for quick snacks or meal replacements when you're short on time.

16. Supplement with protein shake

Simple protein shakes made with whey protein powder or plant-based protein powder is a great way to easily get protein. Don’t forget to closely read the nutrition label as some protein powders are filled with artificial ingredients and sugars.

Protein shakes are a great way to prevent protein deficiency. There are several types of protein powders available, catering to different dietary preferences and nutritional needs. Here are the most common types:

  • Animal-Based Protein Powders: whey protein (milk), casein protein (milk), egg protein (eggs)
  • Plant Based Protein Powders: soy protein, pea protein, hemp protein, blended plant-based (pea, rice, chia, hemp, quinoa)
  • Specialty Protein Powders: collagen protein, bone broth protein

Each type of protein powder has its unique benefits, making it important to choose one that aligns with your nutritional goals, dietary restrictions, and personal preferences.

17. Don’t forget fish

Fish like salmon and tuna are excellent sources of lean protein and healthy fats, making them an important part of a high-protein diet.

18. Go lean with meat

Lean meats like chicken and turkey offer high amounts of protein with lower fat content, helping to meet protein needs without excess calories. You can also consume lean pork and lean beef cuts which are lower in saturated fats.  

19. Sprinkle nutritional yeast on your food

Nutritional yeast is a vegan-friendly source of protein that can be sprinkled on salads, pasta, or popcorn for a savory, cheesy flavor with added nutrients. 

You can find our favorite brand of nutritional yeast here: Bragg Premium Nutritional Yeast Seasoning.

20. Don’t forget cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein, particularly casein, which digests slowly, making it ideal for sustained energy or as a bedtime snack.

21. Use a high-protein coffee creamer

Swapping regular creamer for a high-protein version is a simple way to increase your protein intake without changing your daily routine.

22. Switch out your classics for high-protein versions

Opt for high-protein versions of foods like pasta or bread to effortlessly add more protein to your meals.

23. Use pre-cooked, high-protein meal solutions

Pre-cooked options like rotisserie chicken or boiled eggs make it convenient to include protein in your meals, saving time and effort.

24. Don’t be afraid of cheese

Cheese is a tasty and convenient source of protein that can be added to many meals or snacks, providing both flavor and nutrition.

25. Top meals with sunflower or pumpkin seeds

Seeds add a crunchy texture and are a great source of protein and healthy fats, easily elevating the nutritional profile of any dish.

How Much Protein Should You Consume

We suggest aiming for 1.25 to 1.75 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day, as this provides the benefits of adequate protein intake while remaining manageable within a regular diet.

These numbers align with the recommendations from the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

Learn more about protein needs.

Bottom Line

Adding more protein to your diet can be fun and delicious. You might try something new, or think about a meal in a completely different way.

The key to adding more protein is a little thought and preparation—that’s where a high-protein snack can really make the difference.

Our high protein beef jerky can help increase protein intake by offering a convenient, portable, and delicious snack that’s high in protein and low in carbs and fat. As an easy on-the-go option, it provides a simple way to boost protein between meals without requiring preparation or refrigeration. 

With a variety of flavors and cuts, we make it enjoyable to meet daily protein needs while also satisfying cravings for a savory, filling snack.

Shop High Protein Beef Jerky